Minnesota’s Collaborative Psychiatric Consultation Service – General Q & AThe 2010 Legislature (M.S. 245.4862) directed the Department of Human Services (DHS) to develop a Collaborative Psychiatric Consultation Service. DHS has entered into a two‐year contract with the Mayo Clinic and its partners to develop and provide this service. Statewide availability of the service is expected to begin August 1, 2012.
What are the needs that led to this legislation?
What will be provided when the service is fully implemented?
How did DHS choose the Mayo Clinic?
How will the service be provided?
Is this new service connected to new medication review requirements?
Which recipients are included in the new medication review requirements?
Will this new psychiatric consultation service be affected by recent legislative changes?
Are similar services available elsewhere?
How will this service affect Minnesota’s shortage of qualified psychiatrists and other mental health professionals?
How will we know if the service is effective?